
Microsoft have cleared the fault on their status page. If you're still experiencing any issues please contact the service desk on 01403 29 29 30 option 1.

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Microsoft have disabled a component on the back end that they believe was the cause for the impact to mail flow. They're monitoring the service currently to confirm if this is a viable fix.

Next update by 12:00 GMT+1

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Microsoft have identified a change that resulted in the impact to Exchange online mail flow. They're working on a plan to mitigate impact and restore mail flow.

Next update by 11:15AM GMT +1

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Some 365 customers are reporting issues with sending email. An error message of 'Remote server returned '503 5.5.1 Bad sequence of commands' is likely to be supplied on the bounce back email.

Microsoft have acknowledged the issue and are investigating. Next update by 18/07/2023 11:00am

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Began at:

Affected components
  • Cloud Services
    • Microsoft 365